The vest made of jinnyya

 The vest made of jinnyya. Jinniya is a brushed yarn with a light and soft texture that contains exotic and gorgeous glitter. Stick knitting with a No. 6 needle. I used Richmore's design as a reference. Production time is 100  hours. (C) KOSHIRYOKU Lab. (ジンニーヤのベスト。ジンニーヤはエキゾチックでゴージャスなラメ入りの軽く柔らかな風合いの起毛状の毛糸。6号針で棒針編み。リッチモアさんのデザインを参考にしました。製作所要時間 100 時間。(C) 好試力研究所)

"Knitting Diner" is operated by KOSHIRYOKU Laboratory Ltd.

